The Gainsborough Waste dump site can take your solid waste in Houston.

Houston Solid Waste Disposal Tips and Tricks

Virtually everything humans do leaves behind some type of waste. Whether it’s the vegetable peels from your home kitchen or the refuse from a petrochemical plant, it’s all waste, and it all has to go somewhere.

If you’re not sure how to properly dispose of waste from your home or jobsite, you’re not alone. So let’s break down the different types of solid waste and go over some tips for getting rid of it the right way.

What is Solid Waste?

Solid waste refers to any garbage or refuse resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, agricultural operations, and community activities. Strangely enough, the waste doesn’t necessarily have to be physically solid to qualify. Liquids, semi-solids, and containers with gaseous materials also fit into the category of “solid waste.”

Types of Solid Waste

While solid waste can be broken down into many subcategories, we’re going to concentrate on the four types you’re most likely to deal with.

Municipal Waste: Sometimes referred to as “household waste,” this category includes food waste, yard waste, ashes, street cleanings, dead animals, and even abandoned automobiles.

Industrial Waste: This type of waste is produced by factories, mills, and mining operations. It includes everything from dirt and gravel, masonry and concrete, scrap metal, oil, solvents, and chemicals.

Hazardous Waste: This category is for any waste that poses a danger to public health or the environment. Some examples are chemical runoff, pesticides, and some types of cleaning fluids.

Construction & Demolition Waste: Also known as “C&D,” this type of waste includes scrap metal, wood, cardboard, and concrete.

Tips for Proper Disposal

While you don’t need a tutorial on getting rid of standard household waste, some items require special attention. Some examples include chemicals such as cleaners, chlorine, paint, wood varnish, and pesticides.

When disposing of these chemicals, it’s important to keep them in their original containers with labels clearly visible. This will help the workers who will later do the sorting. Another crucial tip is never to combine these products into a single container. It may be tempting to save some space in your trash can, but these mixtures can be dangerous and unpredictable.

Industrial waste is highly regulated and usually not a concern for the average worker, but C&D waste is different. If you work on a construction or demolition project, you must know how to dispose of the waste your job creates appropriately.

For the best results, construction and demolition waste must be kept as clean as possible, sorted, and either recycled or disposed of in the correct type of landfill. While this process is good for the environment and job site cleanliness, it’s also very time-consuming.

Fortunately, Gainsborough Waste can help.

About Our Dumpsite

Gainsborough Waste has two dump site locations in the Houston area. We accept construction and demolition waste, including wood, metal, cardboard, and concrete. After we’ve sorted your waste for you, we’ll recycle what we can before transporting the rest to a Type IV landfill. Our process is very efficient, which is why only 25% of the waste brought to us will ever be sent to a landfill.

Advantages of the Gainsborough Waste McCarty Dump Site:

  • No lines means no waiting
  • Quick in and out
  • 100% concrete driving surface
  • No mud or dirt on the truck

Schedule Your Drop-Off

You can take advantage of our dump site for your next job by scheduling a drop-off with us. Then all you have to do is bring your C&D waste to us and unload it. We’ll take care of the sorting, recycling, and proper disposal. Don’t forget; first-time users get a $25 discount off of their first use.

We’re looking forward to working with you!



Attention Valued Customers: We will be closed Tuesday, 01/21/25, due to inclement weather. Service should resume on your next scheduled service date. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and stay safe!